Update: You can now generate SSL Certificates directly from the dashboard page at https://web.aeonfree.com/ssl
In order to install the SSL on Aeonfree Free hosting, you need to follow the below steps. You can use this SSL on your domain name associated with the hosting account, the subdomain names of your main domain name, and as well as on the hstn.me and iceiy.com subdomain names.
Video Tutorial is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c2xXgjAvDA
First of all, create a new hosting account (if you haven't).
Go to ZeroSSL (You can use any other SSL Provider supporting CNAME Verification)
Click on the New Certificate button, and enter your domain information. Then, click on Next.
After clicking Next a couple of times, You will get to the domain verification page. Click on DNS (CNAME)
You will get the values to add to your Control Panel. Login to your Control Panel and go to CNAME Records option.
Copy and paste the Name field from ZeroSSL to the SOURCE Field on your Control Panel.

Because the domain name option is already selected in the Control Panel, you just need to copy the Randomly generated text in front of your domain name. In my case, I have excluded ".sslexample.iceiy.com" and paste the code in the SOURCE field on my Control Panel and copy and paste the exact text on the DESTINATION Field.

Add the CNAME Record and Wait for few minutes, then click on Next Step and then on Verify Domain on Zero SSL Page.
Now, Click on the Download Certificate button. Because free hosting does not have any zipped SSL uploading feature, You need to download and unzip the certificate on your computer. Then Right Click on the private.key file and open with Notepad or any Text Editor and copy the content. Be sure to uncheck the always use this app field so, you will not override any default configuration on your computer.
Go to SSL/TLS option in your Control Panel and click on the Configure button of the domain/subdomain to which you want to add the certificate. Paste the copied content from the previous step to the required field and click on the Upload button.
Now repeat the 7th and 8th Steps, but for certificate.crt this time.
Congratulations! You Should now see a padlock symbol when you visit your website in the HTTPS protocol.
If you face any kind of problem feel free to reply to this forum topic.
Also, be sure to redirect your website traffic to HTTPS protocol. To do that simply create a new file called ".htaccess" inside the "htdocs" folder. Edit the ".htaccess" file and add the following code.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://example.com/$1 [R,L]
Change example.com with your own domain/subdomain name.
Do remember that, File Verification does not work with Free Hosting due to Security Reasons and TXT Records are not available in free hosting. You can only verify your domain name through CNAME Records. If you want to use wildcard SSL and don't like renewing your SSL every 90 Days, Consider Upgrading to Premium Hosting.
Any kind of errors or problems related to SSL (if any) will be updated below this message.
No Issues as of now in the SSL. This text will be updated if any issues are found.