Jaylonia03 Hi my website has been suspended How to fix it? It is social networking website for my group and not a phishing https://rpwsocial.iceiy.com/rpwsocial/ how to fix it? All i want is website for my group like facebook but not phishing because it is protected by https and an open source social network and all of their informations are safe
TheGlassPenguin What did the website contain? Do you have any screenshots? If it's open source, could you link the source code on a website like GitHub or Bitbucket so we could take a look at it?
Jaylonia03 The script that is used is from OPEN SOURCE SOCIAL NETWORK and why my website suspended? The website is secure there's nothing to suspend. My website
Jaylonia03 You can view the photo using this link https://www.facebook.com/101716752358549/posts/101717495691808/?app=fbl